The products listed here are not a complete list of all available products. Please contact Okanagan Fertilizer for application instructions and other product inquiries.

Agro-B mobility
4-0-0 + 10% B
0-0-0 + 2.5% S + 5% Cu
6-0-0 + 2.5% S + 5% Fe
0-0-0 + 6% Mg
8-0-0 + 6% Mn + 0.5% Fe + 3.5% S
0-29-5 + 4% Mg
5-0-0 + 9% Zn
Calstik C12
0-0-0 + 12% Ca + 0.45% Mg
Crop Booster
15-3-6 + 2% S + micros
Kali-T OP
2-0-24 + 2.5% Si
0-0-0 + 6% Ca
Special K
0–0–24 + 1% B

8.1% B
8.0% Ca, 0.5% B
9.0% K₂O, 3.0% Si
4.2% Cu
4.0% Fe
K-Max Extra™
24.0% K₂O
6.0% Mg, 0.5% B
5.5% Ca, 2.0%Mg, 0.5% B
5.5% Mn, 0.45% B, 0.5% Mo
5.5% Mn, 0.45% B
7.6% Ca, 1.0% Si, 0.47% B
TruPhos Calcium™
0-23-3, 3% Ca
TruPhos Magnesium™
0-29-5, 4.0% Mg
TruPhos Magnesium™
TruPhos Meristem™
10.2% Zn, 0.5% B
Soluble Products
The products listed here are not a complete list of all our available soluble products. Please contact Okanagan Fertilizer for other product inquiries.
Soluble 10-52-10 is a concentrated, pure nutrient solution that promotes comprehensive plant growth along with root and shoot development. This high-quality, soluble fertilizer is ideal for meeting diverse nutritional requirements, promoting comprehensive plant growth, including root and shoot development, resulting in a significant yield boost.
Soluble 20-20-20 is a concentrated, pure nutrient solution that promotes comprehensive plant growth along with root and shoot development. This high-quality, soluble fertilizer is ideal for meeting diverse nutritional requirements, promoting comprehensive plant growth, including root and shoot development, resulting in a significant yield boost.
21-0-0-24S Micro
Our Ammonium Sulphate Micro Soluble is composed of 21% nitrogen and 24% sulphur. This soluble fertilizer is ideal for promoting vigorous plant growth and its micro-solubility ensures easy integration into irrigation systems or as a foliar spray. This product is great for crops requiring nitrogen-rich support, while also addresses sulphur deficiencies for comprehensive plant health.
46-0-0 Micro
Micro Urea is a soluble alternative to our regular granular nitrogen fertilizer. This product is a great option for those wanting to applying fertilizer via foliar or irrigation.
Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0
Calcium Nitrite is a fully water-soluble nitrogen and calcium fertilizer. It is a free flowing, fine granular material which dissolves quickly in water without any residues. This product is suited to application through all fertigation systems – drip systems, low volume sprinklers, center pivots and spray units. Calcium Nitrite is free of chlorine and sodium.
Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salt)
Magnesium Sulphate is an excellent source of available magnesium which plays an important role in plant health and performance, as it serves to metabolize carbohydrates. This products’ use is associated with a fast “green-up” of the plant because of its role in enabling photosynthesis, the resulting product of which is chlorophyll (the green).
Monopotassium Phosphate 0-52-34
Monopotassium Phosphate – a powerhouse blend with zero nitrogen and a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. Being fully soluble, it ensures easy and effective application through either irrigation or foliar spraying. With a phosphorus content of 52% and potassium at 34%, it’s an ideal choice for crops demanding a boost in flowering and fruit formation. This fertilizer promotes robust plant development and maximizes yield potential.
Potassium Nitrate 13.5-0-46
Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer possesses exceptional water solubility and is perfect for hassle-free irrigation and efficient foliar application. Potassium Nitrate is pH-neutral which ensures compatibility with diverse soils and a versatile choice for various crops. This product is best utilized when applied during the flowering and fruiting stages, which will enhance stress resistance and overall plant vitality.